jeudi 31 janvier 2013

Klaus Nomi - Musician and Performance Artist

Dramaturgie culturelle

SIDA et les annees 80s.

"Les personnalités fabuleuses années 1980 à New York"

Ron Vawter, Performance Artist

Ron Vawter playing Jack Smith in "Roy Cohn/Jack Smith"

Ron Vawter was the quintessential downtown performer and a founding member of The Wooster Group, an internationally known theater collective based in NYC. He brought to the world of the avant-garde a unique combination of life experiences, including training as a Green Beret in the US Special Forces and his work as a chaplain. In the words of the Village Voice, “Vawter’s resolution of the tensions between theatrical passion and military precision….have not only helped make the Wooster Group a controversial and intellectually assaultive ensemble but Vawter himself a legendary and explosively controlled actor.”  In 1993, Vawter, who also appeared in films like Swoon, Philadelphia, Silence of the Lambs, and sex, lies, and videotape, wrote and peformed in his final play, Roy Cohn/Jack Smith, a one man show in which he explored the themes of sexual identity through these two infamous men, both of whom died of AIDS. Vawter died one year later on a plane from Zurich to New York, of an AIDS-related heart attack, at the age of 45.

mardi 29 janvier 2013

Robin Rhode

 "He got game"

"A Spanner in the Works of Infinity "

"Paysages technologiques"

Ethyl Eichelberger - Performance Artist

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All kinds of great footage of Ethyl available here:

The lyrics to "The Miserable World Song"

Well you're giving me some love back
after I've given you a little love

It makes me want to believe
I believe there is something better in this world
than what I've been given
and what you've been given
So keep on pluggin' and someday you'll get it.

'Cause we do believe, we do believe
The Gods are good, we do believe
They love us, they guide us
and when we're wrong they chide us
And if we're good and do what we're told
We'll never have to come back to this miserable world.

If you say your prayers at night
and perform sacrifies
if you say hello, and pretend that you don't know
If you make yourselves pretty
Take off those socks girls, put your knees together, both feet on the floor
...some things I can't hear!...

'Cause we do believe, we do believe
The Gods are good, we do believe
They love us, they guide us
and when we're wrong they chide us
And if we're good and do what we're told

We'll be happy

We'll be happy
We'll be happy.... happy.... happy.... happy
When we're dead!

Go to 1:37. This is Ethyl just before he died - days, in fact. Speaking about political cuts to arts funding due to homosexual content.

Ethyl's costume! Femininity was about power for Ethyl.

Jack Smith - Performance Artist and Filmmaker

Keith Haring - Visual and Performance Artist

Mural details: big paint, little paint

Graffiti as transmission

Floor murals

Entire room painting

Grace Jones painted by Keith Haring, photographed by Robert Mappelthorpe
- idea for Eye and Lahcen

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- costuming idea for Vlad [LIFE tshirt]

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Performance of painting a mural on the floor.

David Wojnarowicz - Performance Artist

Stephen Varble: Performance Artist

lundi 28 janvier 2013


Bienvenue artistes!

Voici le commencement de ce petit projet. Excusez ma francais, s'il vous plait: je suis presque analphabetise, et aussi mon ordi n'a pas les clefs avec les accents. Mais je vais essayer en tout cas. Ne me jugez pas!

Je vais montrer mon process ici pour vous, avec le projet "Transmission." Vous allez voir la bordelle de mon processus, pour que vous puissez savoir que c'est toujours comme ca: une bordelle qui devien en l'art. Et j'espere que ca vous inspirer de partager le processus votres comme ils sont.

Aussi, comme parti de la processus pour Transmission, je vais inviter les artist autour de le projet a voir et contribuer - cette blog va servir comme un site de collaboration entre nous. Je vous invite a voir comme on travaille ensemble avec cette moyen.

Les posts miens, je vais "tag" avec "STS." S'il vous plaites, fait le meme chose - avec votre nom ou initiales. Comme ca, on peut regarder chaque projet, et les tous aussi.

Mon email est M'ecrivez quand vous voulez; il n'y a pas des questions betes ni indescrets.

Je suis tres content de faire ca avec vous, et j'ai hate de voir qu'est ce qu'on va faire ensemble.

En proces...